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अब सवर्णों को आर्थिक आधार पर दिया जायेगा 10 फीसदी आरक्षण

अब सवर्णों को आर्थिक आधार पर दिया जायेगा 10 फीसदी आरक्षण

January 07, 2019  SARKARI

Now the upper castes will be given on economic basis 10% Reservation Before the Lok Sabha elections, the central government has taken a big decision. In the meeting of the Union Cabinet held on 7th January, it has been decided that 10 percent reservation will now be given to the upper castes. These reservations will be given to economically weaker and poor sections. Let me tell you that in the year 2018, the Supreme Court's decision was overturned by the government on the SC / ST act, it was being said to be very angry.

Now 10% reservation will be given on economic basis

It is believed that on Tuesday, Modi Government can present the Constitution Amendment Bill in Parliament. Let it be said that on Tuesday the Parliament is the last day of the winter session.

Prior to the Lok Sabha elections, the Narendra Modi government of the Center has stamped on reservation for poor people. This decision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the central government is being considered as a masterstroke and a masterstroke before the election. Under this decision, 10% reservation will be given to the upper castes in the field of government jobs and education. After the cabinet stamp, the constitution amendment bill will be introduced in Parliament for this today.

The Bharatiya Janata Party has issued Whip for all its MPs to be present in the House, whereas Congress already issued Whip for its MPs to attend Monday and Tuesday.

Who will get 10 per cent reservation benefits?

The person who has more property than the fixed limit will not get the benefit of this amendment. Assuming the sources, the reservation can get eight million annual income and lesser than 5 acres of land. Apart from this, those who have their own house on government land (DDA, the land of the Corporation) will not be able to get the benefit.

 Whose annual income is less than 8 lakhs

- Those who have land under cultivation less than 5 hectares

- who have less than 1000 square feet house

- who have less than not less than 109 yards of land in the Corporation

- who have less than 209 yards of non-notified land of the corporation

- who had not yet come under any kind of reservation

Government will have to make changes in constitution

Let me tell you that the Modi government is bringing this reservation on an economic basis, which has no system in the Constitution. In the Constitution, there has been talk of reservations on the basis of caste, in which the government has to amend the constitution to implement it. This decision of the government is being linked to the Lok Sabha elections.

The government will soon change the constitution for this. For this, changes in Article 15 and Article 16 of the Constitution will be made. Changing both the paragraphs will give way to clear reservations on economic basis.

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